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MEARNS COMMUNITY COUNCIL  26th August 2024– Mearns Community Campus



  1. Apologies: 
  1. Approval of minutes of last meeting
  1. Matters Arising  
  1. Declarations of Interest

      5.Police Report – circulated as received.

      6.Correspondence – circulated as received.

      7. Roads

      8. Planning

      9. SSEN 

     10. Landscape Services 

     11. Waste/Environmental Services

     12. Settlements

           Auchenblae, Fettercairn, Fordoun, Edzell Woods, Glenbervie, Laurencekirk,               Luthermuir, Marykirk, West Cairnbeg

13. Treasurers Report

           Statement of Account

      14. Update from Aberdeenshire Councillors

      15. AOCB









Meeting Ground Rules:


  • Members reminded that they cannot make comment on behalf of the CC unless approved by members. It is appreciated that many CC members are involved in other groups and are members of other committees – it should be remembered that in all communications and in attendance at meetings you are acting for the CC rather than other committees. This applies to both meeting attendance and social media posts.


  • Make every effort to turn up on time.


  • Switch off mobile phones.


  • Always follow the agenda.


  • Respect and value that everyone is different and will think differently about things. 


  • Only one person to speak at a time.


  • Do not interrupt speaker. If you wish to ask a question, please ask the chairperson.


  • If you do not understand what someone is saying, please ask them to repeat it or explain it. You may not be the only person who does not understand.


  • If you have any concerns about the ground rules not being respected, please speak to the chairperson of the meeting.



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